• spjmadison


Society of Professional Journalists, Madison Chapter Monthly Business Meeting May 5, 2014, 7:00 p.m. Vintage Brewing Company, 674 S. Whitney Way, Madison


May 5, 2014

  1. Call to order

  2. Approval of minutes from 4/14/14 meeting

  3. Treasurer’s Report

  4. Membership Report

  5. President’s Report

(a)    Watchdog Awards (b)   UW Ethics Conference (c)    Capitol press credentials  (d)   Annual report

  1. Upcoming Events: National Convention (Sept. 4-6); Ideas: Surveillance journalism (Drones, Project Veritas, etc.), Foul language (and other matters of taste); Fall Training

  2. Discussion/Action: Bylaws revision

  3. Discussion/Action: UW-Madison student chapter dues

  4. Discussion/Action: Reimbursements

  5. Discussion/Action: Watchdog Awards: SSFP tickets ($110)

  6. Discussion/Action: AG race, Governor’s race

  7. New Business

  8. Adjourn

Votes could be taken on any Action or New Business item

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